I sure love the days when they are like two peas in a pod.
Today has not been so great. It started out great. We got to go to a nice movie theater for free and watch a movie. Thank heavens for nice friends who share :) But then we left, with a short tempered Brooke, off to the DMV. Which isn't close... Upon arrival realized I was missing my Safety and Emissions docs. So we pulled over, searched the car, the kids fought, we headed home, searched the house, the kids fought some more, and then headed to the shop where we had our inspections done. Only to be informed that the owner would be out for the next hour, the ONLY person who could print me off another copy. By this time grumpy Brooke had rubbed off onto a now grumpy mom. So here we sit, Ethan on my back, Brooke in her crib, Jake watching the clock, waiting and blogging :). Hopefully things will go smoother on the next attempt, AFTER Brooke's nap.